Update : 2nd October 2016
Trudy Dean, Chairman of West Malling Parish Council, contacted Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council on Friday 30th September 2016 after several people alerted her to the arrival of diggers at Appledene, Norman Road, West Malling.
Enforcement Officers visited the site the same day and contractors advised they were clearing the field in preparation for agricultural cultivation.
She contacted TMBC Out of Hours Service Saturday 1st October 2016 when clearance work included the grubbing out of the important hedgerow bordering Norman Road. This may require planning permission which we believe has not been sought. The section removed is opposite the terrace of cottages east of the West Malling Village Hall.
TMBC do not have enforcement staff available at weekends but have asked any staff members who may be in the area to drop in if possible.
It is infuriating that our planning laws would apparently not allow them to intervene at that time in any event.
As most people know, the planning application for the office block development on the site was refused at Appeal in August 2016.
An Article 4 direction was served by TMBC on the site because of concerns its character might be threatened, mainly if a new entrance was constructed. The Article 4 direction removes Permitted Development Rights which means that even some activities normally allowed, would require Planning Consent on this particular
we have photographs of the cottages and including the hedge in 1937, which establish its status as an important hedgerow.
As ever, many thanks to everyone who has raised the alarm on this, specially on Friday. It enabled the TMBC to get involved straight away and perhaps the contractor did not mention the intended removal of the hedge to officers.
Having everyone looking after our beautiful town helps enormously to keep it that way, and it makes West Malling special. We will keep you in touch with developments.
Enforcement Officers visited the site the same day and contractors advised they were clearing the field in preparation for agricultural cultivation.
She contacted TMBC Out of Hours Service Saturday 1st October 2016 when clearance work included the grubbing out of the important hedgerow bordering Norman Road. This may require planning permission which we believe has not been sought. The section removed is opposite the terrace of cottages east of the West Malling Village Hall.
TMBC do not have enforcement staff available at weekends but have asked any staff members who may be in the area to drop in if possible.
It is infuriating that our planning laws would apparently not allow them to intervene at that time in any event.
As most people know, the planning application for the office block development on the site was refused at Appeal in August 2016.
An Article 4 direction was served by TMBC on the site because of concerns its character might be threatened, mainly if a new entrance was constructed. The Article 4 direction removes Permitted Development Rights which means that even some activities normally allowed, would require Planning Consent on this particular
we have photographs of the cottages and including the hedge in 1937, which establish its status as an important hedgerow.
As ever, many thanks to everyone who has raised the alarm on this, specially on Friday. It enabled the TMBC to get involved straight away and perhaps the contractor did not mention the intended removal of the hedge to officers.
Having everyone looking after our beautiful town helps enormously to keep it that way, and it makes West Malling special. We will keep you in touch with developments.